Lottery policy

Nederlands Toernooi voor Dansende Studenten 2024

In order to divide the available spots as fairly as possible, we, like previous editions, will make use of a lottery system.

The lottery will take the following into account:

1. Every team will have a chance to participate in the team rankings. Therefore every team will be guaranteed to have 8 Breitensport/Beginners participants (not including team captain) selected, assuming they have a sufficient number of registrations. If the team has fewer than 8 registrations, all participants will be selected.

2. To the point where leader/follower ratio is maintained, all beginners will automatically be selected.

3. To the point where leader/follower ratio is maintained, all first-timers will automatically be selected.

4. Did you sign up for the tournament together with a partner? Then you will be registered for the lottery as a couple. This means if one of you gets selected, their partner will automatically be selected as well.

5. In the lottery we keep a close eye on the lead/follow distribution, in order to make sure that there will be a partner available for as many blinddating participants as possible. Nevertheless, due to last-minute cancellations, it is not possible to fully guarantee this. If you didn’t find a partner after blinddating, let your team captain and the organisation know, then we will help you find a partner.
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