Food and drinks

During the event, food and drinks will be served to all participants during the main mealtimes. We highly value facilitating you in the nutrients you need to give it your all during the weekend. Below you'll find more information about what we offer during the weekend.

All food and drinks will be served in the Erasmus Sport sportcafe on the ground floor. You can eat here or in the dance hall (second floor). Consuming anything except for water in the sleeping halls is strictly forbidden.


Friday evening, 23:00-24:00:
soft bun with vegan kroket

Saturday, 7:30-10:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea

Zaterdag, 12:30-15:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea & chicken soup and vegetarian tomato soup

Saturday, 18:30-21:00:
(niet eten in de danszaal)
- pasta bolognese (penne), (only one version, with meat)
- nasi goreng (vegan and meat options) + satay sauce on the side

Zaterdag, 23:30-00:30:
soft bun with vegan kroket

Sunday, 7:30-10:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea

Sunday, 12:30-15:00
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea & mushroom soup (vegetarian) and vegetable soup (vegetarian)

*breadbuffet contains

Bread: white, wheat or gluten-free (on a separate table)

beleg: kaas, boter, jam, hummus, pindakaas, hazelnootpasta, snoepgroente

fruit: bananas, apples, mandarins

Note: this is all. So there is no milk, juice, cereals, etc.

Allergen- and ingredient info

Pasta Bolognese:
Macaroni (tarwe), olijfolie, uien, knoflook, peper, tomaten, gember, zout, groenten, prei, rode, gele en groene paprika, rode uien en Italiaanse kruiden. Kan selderij, ei, melk, mosterd en soja bevatten.

Nasi goreng:
rijst, nasi groenten, spitskool, rode ui, prei, wortel, taugé, knoflook, gember, olijfolie, nasi mix met/zonder kip. De nasimix kan sporen van melk, gluten, selderij en pinda bevatten.

Saté saus:
Pinda, suiker, sojasaus, tarwe, zout, azijn, soja-eiwit, raapzaadolie, maiszetmeel, weipoeder, rode peper. Bevat pinda’s, gluten, melkpoeder.

Durum tarwe, zout, suiker, kippenvet, prei, uisap, rode-bietensap, zonnebloemolie. Bevat ei, kip, gluten en kan sporen van melkpoeder en soja

Tomatensoep (vegan):
Tarwebloem, palmweg, tomaat, aardappelzetmeel, suiker, zout, smaakversterker, aroma’s, uit, rode bietensap, peper, basilicum, gistextract. Bevat selderij. Kan ei, soja, melk en mosterd bevatten.

Champignonsoep (vegetarisch):
Tarwe, palmvet, aardappelzetmeel, zout, suiker, smaakversterker, aroma’s, champignonsap, palmvet, melkeiwitten. Bevat gluten, melkeiwitten.

Groentesoep (vegetarisch):
Durum Tarwe, ei, prei, ui, wortel, selderij, erwt, sperziebonen, paprika, tomaat, zout, aardappelzetmeel, palmvet, smaakversterkers. Bevat gluten, melkeiwitten. Kan soja, melk en mosterd bevatten.

Bring your own food

We understand that the menu will not be suitable to everyone. We apologize that we could not comply with all your wishes. It is completely allowed to bring your own food. Food that needs to be kept in the fridge, can be handed in with a label in the sportscafe. You can ask for it back at any time.

Buying food and drinks in the sportscafe

The sportscafe is also open to buy (extra) food and drinks.

Bar in the dance hall

Er komt een bar in de danszaal op vrijdag- en zaterdagavond. We werken met een muntjessysteem. Muntjes kunnen bij de ingang van de danszaal gekocht worden, en kunnen niet terug verkocht worden.


Friday evening, 23:00-24:00:
soft bun with vegan kroket

Saturday, 7:30-10:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea

Zaterdag, 12:30-15:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea & chicken soup and vegetarian tomato soup

Saturday, 18:30-21:00:
(niet eten in de danszaal)
- pasta bolognese (penne), (only one version, with meat)
- nasi goreng (vegan and meat options) + satay sauce on the side

Zaterdag, 23:30-00:30:
soft bun with vegan kroket

Sunday, 7:30-10:00:
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea

Sunday, 12:30-15:00
breadbuffet* with coffee and tea & mushroom soup (vegetarian) and vegetable soup (vegetarian)

*breadbuffet contains

Bread: white, wheat or gluten-free (on a separate table)

beleg: kaas, boter, jam, hummus, pindakaas, hazelnootpasta, snoepgroente

fruit: bananas, apples, mandarins

Note: this is all. So there is no milk, juice, cereals, etc.

Allergen- and ingredient info

Pasta Bolognese:
Macaroni (tarwe), olijfolie, uien, knoflook, peper, tomaten, gember, zout, groenten, prei, rode, gele en groene paprika, rode uien en Italiaanse kruiden. Kan selderij, ei, melk, mosterd en soja bevatten.

Nasi goreng:
rijst, nasi groenten, spitskool, rode ui, prei, wortel, taugé, knoflook, gember, olijfolie, nasi mix met/zonder kip. De nasimix kan sporen van melk, gluten, selderij en pinda bevatten.

Saté saus:
Pinda, suiker, sojasaus, tarwe, zout, azijn, soja-eiwit, raapzaadolie, maiszetmeel, weipoeder, rode peper. Bevat pinda’s, gluten, melkpoeder.

Durum tarwe, zout, suiker, kippenvet, prei, uisap, rode-bietensap, zonnebloemolie. Bevat ei, kip, gluten en kan sporen van melkpoeder en soja

Tomatensoep (vegan):
Tarwebloem, palmweg, tomaat, aardappelzetmeel, suiker, zout, smaakversterker, aroma’s, uit, rode bietensap, peper, basilicum, gistextract. Bevat selderij. Kan ei, soja, melk en mosterd bevatten.

Champignonsoep (vegetarisch):
Tarwe, palmvet, aardappelzetmeel, zout, suiker, smaakversterker, aroma’s, champignonsap, palmvet, melkeiwitten. Bevat gluten, melkeiwitten.

Groentesoep (vegetarisch):
Durum Tarwe, ei, prei, ui, wortel, selderij, erwt, sperziebonen, paprika, tomaat, zout, aardappelzetmeel, palmvet, smaakversterkers. Bevat gluten, melkeiwitten. Kan soja, melk en mosterd bevatten.

Bring your own food

We understand that the menu will not be suitable to everyone. We apologize that we could not comply with all your wishes. It is completely allowed to bring your own food. Food that needs to be kept in the fridge, can be handed in with a label in the sportscafe. You can ask for it back at any time.

Buying food and drinks in the sportscafe

The sportscafe is also open to buy (extra) food and drinks.

Bar in the dance hall

Er komt een bar in de danszaal op vrijdag- en zaterdagavond. We werken met een muntjessysteem. Muntjes kunnen bij de ingang van de danszaal gekocht worden, en kunnen niet terug verkocht worden.
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